Where Should I start...maybe praising God...reflecting on the enemys power.....defining the pain, the loneliness. I am not sure,,,but I do know that I have to be encouraged. God is bigger than my storm....I will praise Him in this storm. I will glorify Him in His presence. Thank Him for scriptures such as Psalm 34 and many many others.
If this was my thorn for life, I could bare it...but the enemy keeps me wondering...is something bigger coming down the road in life... Are my children going to make it. Will they love the Lord, Our God with a hunger and thirst that only HE above can quench.
Then I think of the anger...The anger that comes with emotional trauma. The hurt emotions that often causes me (and many others ) to speak words we regret...
The Fear...but to realize that God does not give us the Spirit of Fear; but of power, and of LOVE, and of a sound mind. 11 Timothy 1:7
The Judgement....only to realize that we are not equipped to use that "spirit"...never...We humanly can not exercise judgement. We don"t have the wisdom.
The world....Where me and my children are now part of....we now are a statistic that is so common in the "world"....Who will have more influence over them.....mommy or the world...She is stretched beyond to point that only a single mother can ever understand.
The need for PRAYER....the power that comes with it....where 2 or more gather in my name...I like to think that means 2 people praying is 2X powerful...Hence the reason for this entry...Help me to overcome .... help me to overcome the anger of hurt....help me to overcome the judgement from man....help me and my children overcome the world...Prayer with me for an overcoming life...
Please partner with me in this storm...it takes a church sometimes to raise a single parent home....thanks you and Many Blessings to all...
sheila k
🪁 Ending of an Era....
1 year ago
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