Saturday night... this past week, actually past 2-3 months....maybe even years have been distracting. We have been visited by many players: Let me introduce them to you, my children:
1. Jacob: age 12
2. Gabrielle: age 11
3. Skyler: age 7
4. Morgan: age5
5. Mother: age, doesnt matter
friends and foes:
1. Hope
2. Kindness
3. Love
4. Joy
5. Peace
6. long suffering: patience
7. Temperance: self control
8. Meekness
9. Faith
1. anger
2. bitterness
3. unforgiveness
4. bad language
5. negativity
6. pride
7. dishonest
8. distrust
9. chaos
Dear Father God:
Bless this Journey, Bless this family, pour your comfort blanket over us. Give us the shield of your salvation, the understanding of your mysteries. Give me the wisdom to raise these children up to overcome the foes that happen in our lives. Lord, Father guide us, convict us, and give us your helping hand. Help this to be enlightening to us and serve to be a planting season..
Love you and trust you beyond myself
I do trust and fear My Father the creator of all living things... Please guide me in this.
The journey of extreme foes what born march of 2008, it was a detour that took us on a bumpy path. A path that I didnt want to choose, but found myself on this path along with dragging four innocent children dragging and crying. Many find ourselves on a different path than what we choose. Our jouneys are so different, but our destination is the same. Our path was rather bumpy, but along the path were some rest areas and some road blocks. We wanted to plant some seeds along the way in hopes that later travelers would benefit from the beauty and plant some more. But early in the journey we didnt plant anything, in fact we stopped frequently for bitterness, anger... and before we realized what the effects of these poor choices the mind and soul was too sick to travel. The wounds of life had taken the tole and the family was not healthy. The diagnosis of bitterness had progressed, but fortunately was not terminal. Large doses of forgiveness and love was needed. Forgiveness was available in abundance but love was scarce. Lies was stealing the medicine love. The wounds of bitterness and hurt needed love desperately. The wound were disgusting and had a foul odor. Prayer power showed up to aid in the recovery and slowly the wounds healed in with scars, tough but still weakened. The immune system was weakened.
Life takes turns into directions that we fear we can't find the our way back. But the spirit of God does not give us fear but of power and of love and of peace....timothy
but we can find our way back. We have a GPS that will help keep us moving in the right direction.
🪁 Ending of an Era....
1 year ago
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