Today started out as a nasty day, turned lovely....woke up this am to all my children...and it was good. Skyler, once again, was trying to upset the apple cart.. I think I threatened his life 5 times before the sun came up...LOL. Then motherhood struck me, looked at the clock, and knew the day had to stand for something....
up, up, up....chores...go jacob.....go jacob......go jacob......GO JACOB.....I am not going to scream....why should I. I told the kids, even wrote it down for them and made them each there own book, listen the first time....labeled under first response reaction!!! and that means something around here.
Chores done, accomplished something off the mothering need to do list. On to next agenda....make the house look good because a good looking house means a good women....isnt it said....behind every clean house is a successful woman......hee hee...oh ....behind every successful man....blah blah man, father of the kids left again...hmmm
well off to a football game in the big red furry shirt...jacob...
okay I am back to morning....gabby and I left to paint pottery with michele and her much fun. Gabriel painted flip flops and I painted a pencil holder.. now I am tired and am going to do some no brain activities
🪁 Ending of an Era....
1 year ago
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