Saturday, October 10, 2009

what I love

  1. Jesus
  2. thoughts of heaven
  3. learning about God and His word
  4. My children
  5. My mom and dad
  6. My friend darlene
  7. My friends
  8. My family
  9. reeces pumkins...yum yum
  10. sleeping in
  11. a clean house
  12. organization
  13. completed paperwork
  14. challenges
  15. bella
  16. snuggling with morgan
  17. holding morgan in my arms
  18. sitting at at my kitchen table surrounded by my children
  19. my children playing with each other
  20. good books
  21. barnes and nobles
  22. panera bread
  23. good steak
  24. reading
  25. my computer
  26. journalling
  27. philippians 4,   plus others
  28. sitting outside on my swing at night when all the world around is inside
  29. a fire in the fireplace
  30. being creative
  31. having a day off
  32. being encouraged
  33. texting
  34. technology


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